Arsenal opinion -Time wasting in football must be stamped out right now

Arsenal opinion -Time wasting in football must be stamped out right now

A Gooners dislike of time wasted by the slowness and tedium of free kicks and throw ins that slow the game far too much. by Jon Fox

Who agrees with me that far too much time in the ninety minutes is wasted by tedious, slow throw ins and free kicks in DANGEROUS positions, which take FAR too long?

I am getting pretty cheesed off watching, esp. Ben White, take so long to throw the damned ball into play that I could grow a beard in the time he takes. And it’s not only him of course.  We fans are being taken for mugs by much of the deliberate stalling of play by the side without the ball, aided foolishly by the referee very often too. And often cheated by the side in possession too. I loathe all cheating and given my way, I would enforce such draconian punishments, that it would stop very soon. Or else clubs would lose banned players for such cheating as diving. A mandatory six Prem match ban and huge fine too for proven diving.  And if repeated then a twelve match mandatory ban. Proper deterrents work. But the problem we have in our corruptly run Prem and with FIFA, is that PROPER, REAL, DETERRENTS ARE NOT USED.

I have long been so frustrated by lack of action, while the clock ticks by and how the defending side, especially if leading, can effectively CHEAT the time the side chasing has, in which to equalise or catch up. That is IMO, unsporting behaviour and should be changed now, by a law change!

There is nothing so boring or calculated to make you shout out, even when watching on TV, in my case – that is how sad I can be -“get on with it, you*******!”

It cannot be fair, sporting or right to allow such awful time wasting, while the ref, idiots that many of them are – not cheats, but idiots- take  seemingly “half an hour” to use their shaving foam when marking out ten yards  and steal the whole scene for themselves instead of helping to speed up the game.

My solution would be a law change to limit the time allowed for an attacking side to throw the ball in at throw ins. Or better still, to make all throw ins become free kicks. It is, after all FOOTBALL, not handball, the keepers apart.  I’d suggest a maximum of   eight seconds from the player picking up the ball to it being kicked in. If he took longer, than it would be taken by the opposition from the same place, just as a foul throw is. A key change too would be to take the match timing OUT of the hands of the ref, who so commonly manipulates the final whistle in order to allow a corner kick, a dangerous free kick etc.

How often the ref blows for full time when a goal kick is in the air. THAT IS MANIPULATION OF FULL TIME AND IS CHEATING, IN MY BOOK. NINETY MINUTES SHOULD MEAN NINETY MINUTES, PLUS WHATEVER ACTUAL TIME is wasted, plus genuine injury time and proper subs times.  We should have a siren to sound full time, as in rugby. A ref has far too much else to look at than to also keep accurate ninety minute time. HE COULD HOWEVER COUNT SECONDS TO TAKE A KICK IN OR FREE KICK. That would not be beyond him.

Much of the ground stolen by the side taking the throw would be stopped, if it became a kick in instead.  There would be very much more goal mouth excitement too, as kicks go far further than throws and much time saved. But it would need to be backed up by strict enforcement of a limited time, enforced and strictly too by refs. And not this present meek acceptance of time wasting by players, fans and refs alike. This is wrong and MUST change!!​

I would get rid of the shaving foam farce, a stupid idea which takes FAR too much time to enforce. Instead, refs should use a mandatory yellow card for encroachment and if repeated, then a second yellow. AND AGAIN A STRICT TIME LIMIT FROM WHISTLING FOR THE FREE KICK TO IT BEING TAKEN. Some free kicks easily last a full minute or more. THIS IN A SCANDAL AND NOT NECESSARY AND IT SHORTCHANGES WE FANS.

Players would soon learn to comply, PROVIDED refs enforced this change and did it consistently.  I would demote all refs who did not enforce it and refs, as we know, are themselves marked for their performances.

None of these ideas are that revolutionary or new, but it seems there is a marked reluctance by those who make and enforce laws, to use them and to use proper deterrents too. Why???

It must change and change very soon, like next summer at the latest. It is time all types of cheating were brought to book.

Football could be forced into being honest.


How much more enjoyable and wholesome our worldwide game could and should be.  I’d love you to read your own ideas and thoughts, my fellow Gooners.


Jon Fox

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